Articles in this series

The Post-Colonial Scope for Afrikaans

The Post-Colonial Scope for Afrikaans

1 min. reading time
The History of Dutch Language Policy in Colonial Indonesia 1600-1950
Grounds for Memory. Colonial Literature from the Former Dutch East Indies
Dutch Colonial Architecture and Town Planning. History, Preservation and Present Use
Africa Is Very Far Away. Belgium and its Colonial Past in Congo
Beekman’s Indies

Beekman’s Indies

1 min. reading time
Why Hella S. Haasse’s Work Does not Need Introduction Abroad
Oeroeg and the Dutch-East Indian Trauma
Tropical Tervuren. The Royal Museum of Central Africa
Women in the Dutch colonies

Women in the Dutch colonies

1 min. reading time
Fifty Years of Congolese-Belgian Relations

Fifty Years of Congolese-Belgian Relations

1 min. reading time
Hello, daughter of the dark woods. An Extract from Jef Geeraerts’ ‘Gangrene 1: Black Venus’
‘Freedom was the priest riding past on his bicycle with his cassock flapping in the wind’. Lieve Joris and ‘Back to the Congo’
An Awkward Anniversary. Indonesia and the Netherlands: Decolonisation Fifty Years On
How the Congo Was Converted. Belgian Missionary Work in Central Africa
The Low Countries and Islam. Historical Relations and Present Debates
From Africa to Africa: The Return of a Dead Traveller (An Extract from Frank Westerman’s ‘El Negro and Me’)
The Netherlands Antilles and Surinam, Treasure-Chests of Dutch-Language Literature
Tales of the Invisible City

Tales of the Invisible City

1 min. reading time
Three Countries in One Kingdom. The Netherlands Antilles and the Paradox of Independence
Dutch Cultural Policy: the Colonial Experience
Schermafbeelding 2020 02 12 om 10 46 57

A Black Lion of Flanders

Evelyne Coussens 6 min. reading time
arts, history

Demolishing the Stereotypes

Bonnie van der Lee 7 min. reading time
Kensmil any getting it
Zwarte Piet Sinterklaas supermarkt Hellevoetsluis
Seminar indonesia and the netherlands credits dutchculture michel schnater 18
Seminar indonesia and the netherlands credits dutchculture michel schnater 10
Seminar indonesia and the netherlands credits dutchculture michel schnater 13
Multatuli 2020
literature, society

Multatuli in the Age of Decolonisation and #MeToo

Elsbeth Etty 12 min. reading time
Stones have laws 2018 001 people shelter hut clearing CROP

A Museum of Compromise

Kiza Magendane 13 min. reading time
Schermafbeelding 2020 03 31 om 13 12 39
UIT Front Tien kleine nikkertjes
20181122 162633
Schermafbeelding 2021 01 29 om 11 28 30
Schermafbeelding 2020 08 28 om 11 27 56
Nederlands Indië oude kaart
Ximg 0193
Schermafbeelding 2021 04 28 om 10 11 53
Schermafbeelding 2021 07 06 om 14 44 30
Astrid h roemer c2a9 raul neijhorst
1217px De woning van de directeur van de Surinaamse Bauxiet Maatschappij in Moengo Ca Bestanddeelnr 252 6565
RP P 1935 819
5 Schip van de Oostendse Compagnie
Schermafbeelding 2021 09 01 om 12 01 19
history, society

Looted Art Must Return to Congo, but How?

Lode Delputte 11 min. reading time
1 Astrid Roemer Foto Sirano Zalman
9a Sammy Baloji Untitled 21 uit de serie Mémoire
021 Inlichtingen
Schermafbeelding 2022 02 21 om 11 43 29
71 B7 EAED 9 EC5 49 C2 8 C1 A 6 BDE81383355 min
3 Slavenvertrekken op een plantage
3 Toediening van zweepslagen
Foot stocks at Slavery Exhibition Rijksmuseum
Collage Erasmushuis
Wilhelmina juliana
KVS Malcolm X Danny Willems 16 DW2725
Slavery Was of Major Importance to the Dutch Economy

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